Learn more about Wellington Deaf Society's fascinating and rich history through NZSL stories told in a chronological timeline from our members! Further stories will be added in the coming months. If you have a WDS-related story you’d like to share, please get in touch with us!
Memories of WDS’s first rental clubroom at 80 Manners Street
Told by Pam Witko (5:29 mins)
The first club picnic held at Jim Monk’s farm at Waikanae
Told by Pam Witko (2:44 mins)
Inviting a high-ranked official such as the Mayor of Wellington for WDS’s events was considered the norm
Told by Pam Witko (1:29 mins)
WDS makes use of the ‘Hibernian Hall’, a social hall at Victoria Street, Lower Hutt
Told by Pam Witko (1:21 mins)
WDS returns back to the city, utilising the Loaves & Fishes Hall on Hill Street
Told by Wayne Riggs, Pam Witko, Christine Martin, Kaz Witko, Shannon Morris (4:33 mins)
The ‘Walton Award: Sports Man of the Year’ and ‘Tony Walton Sportsperson of the Year’ trophies
Told by Tony Walton (3:01 mins)
Tony Walton talks about his mum, Lillian Walton, and her involvement with WDS
Told by Tony Walton (2:46 mins)
The infamous WDS ‘Toilet Seat’ Award explained
Told by Shannon Morris (2:23 mins)
Honouring WDS’s Goldie Oldies and their unwavering support for the Club
Told by Pam Witko (3:34 mins)
Membership today is cheaper than it was in the 1980s, which also had penalty fees!
Told by Maureen Tompson, Pam Witko (4:52 mins)
Wellington Deaf Basketball
Told by Clive Morgan, Sean Turner (4:53 mins)
The New Zealand Deaf News and WDS’s newsletters were a great source of news
Told by Maureen Tompson, Pam Witko (2:46 mins)
WDS utilised 280 Willis Street at 10 cents per year
Told by Wayne Riggs, Clare Holtham, Sean Turner, Pam Witko, Christine Martin, Shannon Morris (5:35 mins)
1980s – Early 1990s
Street Appeal Days greatly boosted the Clubroom Building Fund
Told by Maureen Tompson, Robert Cameron (3:38 mins)
The WDS Men's Pool Championship at the tiny Willis Street Clubrooms
Told by Sean Turner (2:38 mins)
Early 1990s
Rodney Roberts and Sean Turner share their Wellington Deaf Rugby League stories
Told by Rodney Roberts, Sean Turner (3:50 mins)
The WDS Golf Club, and the annual Cook Strait Interclub Golf tournament
Told by Tony Walton (3:39 mins)
WDS purchased a piece of land on 133 Hutt Road in 1991 with the hope of building a Clubroom on it – sold 1994
Told by Robert Cameron (2:38 mins)
WDS moves temporarily to the Hutt Park Raceway, Petone
Told by Cameron Ross, Kaz Witko, Tony Kuklinski, Jamie Kuklinski, Sean Turner (3:12 mins)
31 August 1996
From Willis Street to Marion Street, told by Previous WDS President, Tony Walton (1975-79 & 1995-97)
Told by Tony Walton (4:10 mins)
Wellington hosts the 43rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf
Told by Rodney Roberts (2:13 mins)
Late 2000s
From running on a special licence to a team of Deaf bar managers
Told by Darryl Alexander, Shannon Morris (3:39 mins)
Late 2000s
Jamie Kuklinski (President 2006-2010) talks about getting a pool table and its additional benefits!
Told by Jamie Kuklinski (2:26 mins)
Wellington Deaf Youth Group hosts the 3rd National Deaf Youth Camp, with loads of fundraisers at WDS
Told by Theresa Cooper (3:09 mins)
Early 2010s
Events Galore! Fancy dress parties, Fear Factor competitions and jelly wrestling...
Told by Jared Flitcroft, John Bennett (4:34 mins)
Wellington Deaf Society Poker Championship
Told by Renee Turipa, Darryl Alexander (4:39 mins)
A mini documentary on WDS is created: “Our Second Home”
Told by Jared Flitcroft (13:36 mins)
The WDS fundraising sub-committee gets creative with their ideas for a new roof!
Told by Sara Pivac Alexander (2:27 mins)
Michael Hope gifts his cartoon drawings to WDS
Told by Cameron Ross (2:02 mins)
Oops! Multiple fire trucks called out to WDS Clubroom
Told by Cameron Ross, Tony Kuklinski, Jamie Kuklinski (1:14 mins)
Designing WDS’s new logo
Told by Anton Sammons (1:51 mins)
A Special General Meeting is held to make a decision on Marion Street
Told by Theresa Cooper (2:02 mins)
A documentary on WDS is produced and released, “A Historic Moment in Time”
Told by JPF Films (58:22 mins)
From Marion Street to the Waiora Hub
Told by Shannon Morris, Anton Sammons (4:33 mins)
Waiora Hub: Creating a Deaf Space with NZSL signage
Told by Anton Sammons (3:05 mins)
24 April 2021
The Deaf community gets together to celebrate our new Deaf Club with a Welcome Home Party
Told by Sara Pivac Alexander (5:18 mins)